Robots for creative minds

The Robotics extracurricular that boosts STEAM skills at all school stages

We help you implement itineraries to explore the robotics at every educational stage with the IGNITE Method's guarantee of success.
Each robot design and coding challenge drives student progress in a gamified learning pathway in which computational thinking and robotics advance together at each stage of this robotics extracurricular.

Key learnings

STEAM Competences

Prototype construction

Robot mechanization

Computational thinking

Conflict resolution

Soft skills


Technological extracurricular activities in Barcelona and Madrid

We have extensive experience in the design and implementation of face-to-face activities in schools, adapted to each age level.


Frequent questions:

What do children learn in robotics?

Robotics for boys and girls exercises students in problem solving and allows them to introduce themselves in a fun way to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) competitions.

At what age can you start robotics activity?

The Infant stage, from 3 to 5 years old, is ideal to begin robotics activities. At that age, essential concepts such as sequencing or pattern recognition allow us to lay a solid foundation for learning computational thinking.

What are the benefits of an extracurricular robotics course?

Robotics workshops offer multiple benefits: they enhance logical-mathematical skills, spatial orientation, fine motor skills and a wide variety of key skills such as creativity, communication and teamwork.

Do you need to have prior knowledge in robotics to start?

No prior knowledge is necessary to sign up for a robotics workshop in either the Infant, Primary or Secondary stages. The modular design of our activities allows us to adapt the rhythm of extracurricular activities to the starting point of each student.

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