Learn the language of the future

Discover our extracurricular programming course. We develop STEAM skills through the creation of video games

We invite you to learn about our extracurricular activities, designed to learn coding y video game design from scratch.

In our extracurricular programming activities, we help our students to incorporate computational thinking in a natural way and to use it as a resource for their personal development.

Key learnings

Computational thinking

STEAM Empowerment

Conflict resolution

Soft skills

mathematical competence

Lateral thinking


Technological extracurricular activities in Barcelona and Madrid

We have extensive experience in the design and implementation of face-to-face activities in schools, adapted to each age level.


Frequent questions:

What is the ideal age to learn programming?

It is highly recommended to lay the foundations of programming at an early age, from 3 to 5 years old, but it is from 7 years old when the potential of schoolchildren to develop minimally complex structures begins to unfold.

What are the objectives of extracurricular programming?

In our programming courses and workshops we introduce computational thinking at different levels. By participating in our classes we propose to achieve these learning objectives: block programming, sequencing, algorithms and use of variables, conditionals and coordinates.

Will they learn to program video games with Minecraft?

In our extracurricular programming classes, you learn to develop coding skills by creating video games in environments such as Minecraft Education, Makecode or CoSpaces. 

Where can I find extracurricular programming classes?

We develop our programming activities for boys and girls as technological extracurricular activities in schools. We also offer online programming classes for different age levels from our own webpage

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